Privacy Policy

Precepts Pertaining to the Aggregation and Conservation of Privileged Client Data by IHEIN and IHEIN.COM
Henceforth termed as “the Entity," "our Organisation," "we," "our," or "us"), this document elucidates the protocols and objectives for which user information (“you” or “the User”) in relation to our provisions (“Services”) may be accumulated, retained, manipulated, and divulged.
Article 1: Data Compilation Imperatives
Our Organisation aggregates individual-specific data proffered by you when enrolling for Services, expressing interest in our offerings, engaging in Service-related activities, or contacting us through alternate means. Personal Data Provided Voluntarily: The nature of personal data accumulated is contingent on your interactions with us and utilisation of the Services, and may encompass: Nomenclature Contact Numbers Electronic Mail Coordinates Postal Coordinates Transactional Billing Addresses Sensitive Data: We abstain from processing sensitive data. Transactional Data: To facilitate fiscal transactions, we might amass essential payment particulars, including instrument numbers and associated security verification codes. Said payment data is conserved through Paypal and Stripe. Refer to their respective privacy notices at and All personal data tendered must be veracious, exhaustive, and precise. Notification of data modifications is incumbent upon you. Automatic Data Collection: Incremental data is amassed automatically during Service usage, devoid of explicit identity revelation (e.g., names or contact particulars). This data may comprise device specifics, usage patterns, IP address, system characteristics, browser specifics, operational systems, linguistic selections, referral URLs, device nomenclature, locale data, operational modalities of our Services, and ancillary technical information. Such data serves the security and operational integrity of our Services, buttressed by internal analytics and reporting requisites. We utilise cookies and akin technological apparatus for data aggregation. Data Collected Includes: Log and Utilisation Data: This pertains to Service-related, diagnostic, operational, and performance indices our servers inherently compile upon Service access and use. Log data may entail IP addresses, device specifics, browser specifications, activity markers, device event data (including system operations and error reports), and configuration settings. Device-Specific Data: We garner data relative to the devices through which Services are accessed. Device data might embody IP addresses, identification numbers, geographic data, browser specifications, hardware models, internet service providers, mobile carriers, operational systems, and configuration particulars. Geographic Data: Geographic data is compiled contingent on device specifics, potentially including precise geolocation via GPS and akin technological systems. Opt-out capabilities are provided, though certain Service aspects might become inaccessible.
Article 2: Purposes and Handling of Compiled Data
Individual-specific data is processed for diverse objectives aligned with Service interactions, inclusive of: Facilitating account genesis and verification: Data may be processed to engender and authenticate accounts, maintaining their operational status. Service Delivery: Data processing facilitates Service provision. User Inquiry Response: Data assists in addressing inquiries and resolving Service-related issues. Administrative Communication: Data enables discourse on product and service specifics, policy amendments, and related information. Feedback Solicitation: Data processing enables feedback requisitions and usage communication. Marketing and Promotional Communications: Data processed for marketing aligns with your preferences, with opt-out capabilities detailed in “WHAT ARE YOUR PRIVACY RIGHTS?” Tailored Advertising Deployment: Data aids in curating personalised content and ads reflective of your interests and locale. Service and Product Evaluation: Data assessed to discern usage trends, campaign efficacy, and to enhance Services, products, and user experience. Legal Compliance: Data processing ensures adherence to legal requirements, enabling responses to legal requisitions and exercising our legal prerogatives.
Article 3: Disclosure of Individual-Specific Data
A. Third-Party Collaborations: Individual-specific data is divulged to collaborators such as vendors, consultants, and service renderers (collectively “External Entities”) predicated on operational exigencies. Contractual agreements with these entities encompass confidentiality safeguards, directives on data handling, non-disclosure to unrelated parties, and data retention adherence. External Entities Involve: Marketing and Advertising Bodies: Bing Ads Google AdSense Transactional and Fiscal Management: Paypal and Stripe Retargeting Solutions: Google Ads Remarketing Digital Interaction Analytics: Google Analytics B. Specific Disclosure Instances: Data may also be shared in scenarios involving corporate negotiations, mergers, acquisitions, financial dealings, or dispositioning of assets necessitating data transfer.
Article 4: Use of Cookies and Allied Tracking Mechanisms
We employ cookies and analogous mechanisms (e.g., web beacons, pixels) for user data aggregation and conservation.
Article 5: Management of External Social Media Logins
Our platform endorses registration and access via third-party social media credentials (e.g., Facebook, Twitter). Choosing this method grants us access to specific data from the respective social media provider. The exact data obtained varies with each provider and your public settings therein. The application of such data adheres to this privacy policy and not to any third-party stipulations. Reviewing third-party privacy declarations is essential for comprehensive understanding of shared data.
Article 6: Tenure of Individual-Specific Data Retention
Individual-specific data retention corresponds to the purposes cited in this privacy directive unless protracted retention is mandatory or sanctioned by legal statutes (e.g., fiscal, legal, or statutory requirements). No directive purpose necessitates retention beyond active user association durations. In the absence of legitimate business requisites, data deletion or anonymization will be effected. Where immediate erasure is impracticable, stringent sequester measures will be adopted, restraining further data processing until feasible deletion.
In the event that an individual resides in the European Economic Area (EEA) or the United Kingdom (UK) and harbors the conviction that their personal data is being processed in an unlawful manner, said individual retains the prerogative to lodge a formal grievance with their local data protection supervisory authority. The requisite contact particulars for such authorities are accessible via the following link: Similarly, should an individual be domiciled in Switzerland, the contact details for the pertinent data protection authorities can be found here: Revocation of Consent: In scenarios where the processing of personal data is predicated upon the individual’s explicit or implied consent, contingent upon the applicable statutory framework, the individual reserves the unalienable right to withdraw said consent at any juncture. The withdrawal of consent may be effectuated at any time by engaging the contact details elucidated under the “HOW CAN YOU CONTACT US ABOUT THIS NOTICE?” segment below. Notwithstanding, it is imperative to acknowledge that such a revocation will have no bearing on the lawfulness of the processing conducted prior to its withdrawal. Additionally, if the applicable legal framework permits, it will not impede the continued processing of personal data based on lawful grounds distinct from consent. Opting Out of Marketing and Promotional Communications: Individuals retain the right to extricate themselves from our marketing and promotional correspondences at their discretion. This can be achieved by activating the "unsubscribe" hyperlink embedded within the marketing emails dispatched by us, or by employing the contact details provided in the “HOW CAN YOU CONTACT US ABOUT THIS NOTICE?” section below. Following such action, the individual will be expunged from our marketing rosters. Nevertheless, we reserve the right to communicate for non-marketing purposed, such as dispatching service-related notifications essential for account administration, addressing service requisitions, or undertaking other necessary non-marketing interactions. Account Information: Individuals desiring to inspect or modify the details within their account or to terminate said account may do so by accessing their account settings and updating the requisite information. Upon receiving a request for account termination, we shall deactivate or obliterate the account and its associated data from our active databases. Nonetheless, certain information may be retained within our archival records to avert fraudulent activities, resolve technical issues, assist with investigations, enforce our legal obligations, and/or adhere to statutory requirements. Cookies and Similar Technologies: The preponderance of web browsers are configured to accept cookies by default. Should the individual prefer, the browser settings can usually be adjusted to remove or reject cookies. It is pertinent to note that opting to eliminate or reject cookies may impinge on the functionality of certain features or services within our offerings.
The majority of web browsers and select mobile operating systems and applications incorporate a Do-Not-Track (“DNT”) feature or setting which, upon activation, signifies the user’s preference for privacy, specifically regarding the non-monitoring and non-collection of online browsing activities. It should be noted, however, that no uniform technological standard for recognizing and implementing DNT signals has been established to date. Consequently, we do not currently respond to DNT browser signals or any analogous mechanism that communicates a user’s preference not to be tracked while online. Should a standardized protocol for online tracking be adopted in the future, which we are mandated to comply with, we shall apprise you of such changes by revising this privacy notice.
The enumerated categories of data delineate the types of personal information we unequivocally do NOT collect: a. Identifiers (e.g., real name, alias, mailing address, telephone number, online identifier, IP address, email, and specific account details) b. Protected Characteristics (Pertinent to regulations at the state or federal level, for instance, gender and date of birth) c. Transactional Data (Encompasses transaction specifics, past purchases, financial data, and payment details) d. Biometric Data (Comprises fingerprints and voiceprints) e. Online Behavior (Involves web browsing patterns, search logs, and engagement metrics with our digital interfaces, systems, and promotions) f. Geospatial Data (Pertains to device-based geolocation tracking) g. Sensory Data (Includes images, audio or call recordings associated with our business activities) h. Occupational Information (Pertains to professional details, employment history, and qualifications of potential job candidates) i. Educational Data (Includes student logs and institutional directory specifics) j. Derived Personal Insights (Inferences based on amalgamated personal data to develop profiles, such as individual tastes and attributes) k. Sensitive Personal Data (Pertains to personal or sensitive details of users) Additional Modalities for Personal Information Collection: Beyond the methods previously mentioned, we also gather personal details under the following circumstances: a. When you engage our customer support services. b. Participation in our surveys or contests. c. When you utilize or inquire about our services. Information Disclosure: a. Specific details may be shared with service providers under an executed agreement. b. Internally, we utilize data for technology research and demonstration purposes. c. Over the past year, we have neither sold nor shared personal data for business reasons. For further disclosure details, please refer to the section "When and With Whom Do We Share Your Personal Information?"
Periodically, this privacy notice may be subjected to updates. Any revised version will be indicated by an updated “Revised” date, and it will become effective once it is accessible. If significant alterations are made to this privacy notice, we may notify you either by prominently posting a notice of such changes or by directly sending a notification. We encourage you to review this privacy notice frequently to remain informed about the measures we are taking to protect your information.
For any inquiries regarding this notice, please contact: IHEIN 1018 Wilmington St Norfolk, VA 23505 US 1-866-276-0820
In accordance with the applicable laws of your jurisdiction, you may possess the right to request access to, alter, or delete the personal information we have gathered from you. To make such a request—whether to review, update, or delete your personal information—please reach out using
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